~*Rookie's Canine Corner*~
Hi! My name is Rookie.
I am a 3 1/2 year old black lab and Border collie mix.
I love people, especialy kids, and I love attention. I don't really like to be alone at all.
I will follow you all over the house.
I get worried when I am downstairs with a family member but another human family member is upstairs.
If they don't come downstairs soon,
I will wander up there to make sure they are ok.
I am a good dog and very smart. I know a lot of tricks too!
Some things I know are: sit, lay down, stay, settle, heal, fetch, come,
speak and shake. They are trying to teach me something about "roll over".
I don't quite get what that means yet, but they have treats in their
hand when they tell me to do it, so I am thinking I should figure it out!
I also know what a lot of words mean, like "outside", "ride", "run", "jump", etc.
I like other dogs, they don't bother me. I like to check them out and play a little. I think little dogs
are a bit strange because they can walk underneath me. Why are some dogs SO small?! *grin*
I have a lot of toys and they are ok, but I am more of a lover. I would rather lay by my human family
and snuggle and get love.
I am kind of a couch potato and think I am a lap dog!
My very favorite game is fetch. I will fetch a tennis ball and bring it back to you and put it right on your
lap so you can throw it to me again. It's a lot of fun! =)
Visit my site again soon. My family will keep lots of updates and pictures on my website! =)
Thank you for visiting!
