Hi! My name is Karen.
I am glad you found us.
I have set up pages for each one of us,
so please visit each of us and get to know us!
I have three wonderful children that
I would like to tell you about.
They are my life and inspiration.
Brooke turned 18 in December! (YIKES!) *grin*
and Connor turns 16 in April.
Click on their links to go to their pages.
Dillon is the youngest and he is 14.
Dillon was born with spina bifida and has been through
alot in his life already!
He had his lesion closed in-utero
before he was even born at 23 weeks gestation!
To read about him and what he has been through, click
on "Dillon's story" on the left.
Thank you for visiting my site
Don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave!
I hope you will visit again soon!