Hi there! My name is Dillon and I am 14 and in the 8th grade!
Here is a little bit about me and what I have been through!
I am a very special kid, because I have spina bifida and I had surgery before
I was even born!
Doctors told me that I would be paralyzed and not have much
of a life. I had 10 surgeries before I was 14 months old, and have had over 20
all together, but I am doing very well.
My mom and I had surgery before I was even born in Nashville, Tennessee at
Vanderbilt University when she was 23.5 weeks pregnant to close the spina bifida
lesion in my back. We were surgery number 56! You can read all about this
story on the pregnancy story link.
I have even been on the news a few times, in the newspaper, and I have also been
a spokes kid for the Children's Miracle Network!
My story was also published in a book. My mom wrote the chapter in the book and it's
called "Swollen Ankles and Blowfish Kisses". You can find this book at stores like Barnes and Noble
either in store or online.
It is hard to explain what all I have been through, because there is so much
medical stuff to learn, it's like learning a whole new language! But I will try
to tell you in simple terms. =)
I have what is called "hydrocephalus" which is common with spina bifida.
To control it, I have a shunt in the ventricles of my brain. A shunt is a
little tube that drains the spinal fluid
build up out of my head which could cause brain damage and/or an enlarged
I am on my 8th shunt, the other ones stopped working or got infected,
so I am hoping this is the last one I will need for awhile.
I also had bacterial meningitis/shunt infection when I was 3 weeks old.
I was told I may not
survive, would possibly be blind, deaf and would end up with moderate to
severe brain damage. I guess I don't like listening to doctors and am infamous
for beating the odds because here I am! =)
I am a pretty happy, easy going kind of kid. I adapt to new things well and am VERY determined.
I love people, and am VERY social.
I wear braces on my legs called RGO's (Reciprocating gate orthodics)to help
me walk. I have both a walker and just recently started walking with crutches
called Loftstrand crutches! I am doing well with them and have worked VERY hard
in Physical therapy to be able to walk independently with them.
I also have a wheelchair, which I use for long distances. I use my walker
or crutches for short distances, but I use the wheelchair when we
go places where it would be too tiring for me to walk in my walker.
I get tired out easily walking unlike you, I will have another mobility
option to give me some independence.
We were the ambassadors for the March of Dimes for two years. 2001 and 2002.
It was a lot of fun. We got to educate people on folic acid
and the importance of it before and during pregnancy.
We also got to talk about the Fetal Surgery and the benefits we think
it had on ME! :)
For the Walk America 2002, the March of Dimes put together a flyer
about me. Mom put it up on our website so you could all see it.
We thought it was pretty special. To see that
page click HERE
In January 2004, my family took a trip thanks to
Make A Wish Foundation ! Please check out the story and pictures by clicking
Since our experience with
Make A Wish Foundation, our family has done stuff with them.
They are such an awesome organization!
I also got a very special gift in September of 2008. After a few years on a waiting list,
I was finally picked to receive a service dog from an organization called
Canine Assistants. My dogs name is Flyer. She is a Golden Retriever and a very special dog. She helps me do a lot of stuff.
Things she helps me with are, picking up stuff that I drop and gives them to me, goes and gets something for me if I ask her to,
closes and opens doors, pushes buttons such as elevator buttons or handicap buttons that open doors, she will pull me in my
wheelchair when I get tired. She also likes to uncover me in the morning to make sure I get up! (I dont like THAT so much) LOL.
But most of all, she's a great companion and I love her like crazy. She makes me feel like I can do anything and I forget about
everything I have to go through!

Some of my favorite things are sports. I LOVE the Huskers!! I also play wheelchair softball for the
Nebraska Junior Barons and I play wheelchair basketball for the Nebraska Red Dawgs. Its a TON of fun!!
We travel all over to go to tournaments and love it!
I hope you come back to visit me often.
Please say lots of prayers for my continued health and progress!
Thank you for visiting my page.