~* I'm SOOOOO Big!! *~
He is also starting to bear more weight on his legs and has been moving his legs around very well. We need to keep getting him stronger and stronger so we can get him in a walker and get him even more mobile. Otherwise mommy is going to have some mighty large biceps carrying around a 30 pound toddler! :) Dillon has also started to really babble a lot. He can carry on forever and even cracks himself up sometimes like he has just told the funniest story. He is SUCH a character. He doesnt say many words yet, but he does say na na for connor and no no ( cant really tell the difference). As much as we say no to Connor, maybe Dillon just thinks that is Connor's name... ha ha :). His new words in the last couple of weeks is This and That. Dillon is also quite a socialable guy. Everywhere we go, he charms everyone with his smiles. He is pretty friendly. He loves his snuggles and gives out hugs and kisses to anyone who wants one. He smacks his lips together and moves his hands like he is saying "come here" when he wants a kiss. He continues to be quite a mommy's boy though. He won't even let me leave the room at home without freaking out. I hope now that he is crawling, he can crawl after me and that fear will go away. He always gets clingy after surgeries, but this time, its not going away :). Dillon STILL continues to amaze me. He's such a blessing and a miracle!