~*Universal Studios*~
Universal Studios
was so much fun. I knew the kids would have a great time
there with all the things they have to do and see, but I never thought it
would be quite as wonderful as it was!
Universal has 2 parks. Universal Studios and "Islands of Adventures". We went
to the studios park first. There we saw the 4D Shrek show which was awesome!
and we also saw a Barney show live. Dillon had a lot of fun at the Barney show,
and it was exciting for him as big of a Barney fanatic as he has always been.
After the show, they came to us and told us that Barney wanted to meet us so we
stuck around, and Barney spent time with just our family. Dillon was SO excited,
and such a wonderful memory for him.
Univeral was just as good, if not better about making Dillon feel like the single
most important person on the earth and made such wonderful memories for him
as well.
At Islands of Adventure, the kids got to ride rides, and see other characters
such as the super heros that they didn't get to see at the other park. We were
in a candy store, when Spider Man spotted Dillon and came right over to us and
started talking and playing with Dillon. He spent so much time with Dillon.
Dillon was in awe and just mezzmerized by Spider Man. It was very neat. Spider
Man then wheeled Dillon over in his wheelchair to a store, where he took him
shopping and bought him a Tshirt. He went above and beyond any expectation we
would have had meeting a character and making special memory for him. This was
probably the best part of the trip and the most special of memories that Dillon
had. It was an incredible experience. Spider Man also went and got the other
super heros, and we went behind a building with a privacy fence, where our family
got to spend about a half hour of time with all the super heros. It was SO cool
and the kids were so excited.
Universal had a lot of fun rides. The kids had a great time. A lot of the rides
were a height restriction and Dillon couldn't ride but he was ok with it, and
the rides he could ride, such as the flying unicorn roller coaster, he just
The park was split into sections, one of the sections being Suess Landing. They
had a lot of rides for smaller kids and it was all the Cat in the Hat rides.
Connor really liked the Dinasauer ride in Juarrasic park section. I went on
that with him the second time they went on and I didn't like the 85 Ft drop so
much, but it was fun.. LOL
We only had one day passes to Universal, but Dillon and the rest of us liked the
park so much, Give the Kids the World ended up giving us second day passes.
So, we went to visit again on the last day we were there. It was a great time!

~*Animal Kingdom*~
The next day, we visited Animal Kingdom at
Disney World
We went there mainly for the shows, since Omaha has such a wonderful zoo,
we couldn't see staying just to see all the animals. It was worth going to
and seeing though for the shows especially.
There, we saw a show in the "tree of life" called "It's tough to be a bug". It
was a 3D show that was pretty cool.
Then we went to see "Tarzan Rocks". There, they made the kids a part of the show
by having them stand at the front where they were supposed to hit their chest
and make a Tarzan show, but they kind of chickened out and just giggled
instead.. LOL. It was neat that they were made a part of the show though, and
it was a very cool show to see. Afterwards, they were taken behind stage, where
they got to meet Tarzan and the rest of the cast.
The next show we saw was "Lion King". Again, the kids were made a part of the show!
The cast came to get the kids, and took them around stage in their "parade" where
they sang songs from the Lion King, and then they took Dillon up by Timon where
Timon told Dillon he was the best in the show! It was very cool!
Next, we did the african safari. That was pretty neat to be up close to all the
animals. The experience was neat and worth doing.
Before heading out, we ate at the Rainforest Cafe, and then headed back
to Disney's Magic Kingdom for the rest of the day. We stayed once again for
the fireworks show and then headed to see Downtown Disney before going back
to the house for the night.
I wanted to go there, to see the "World of Disney" store. A friend I used to
work with at the Disney store in Omaha, now manages that store, so it was neat
to see her again and to see her HUGE store. I have never seen a Disney store
so big!
We did some shopping and the kids were beat, so we headed back to get some sleep

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Texas Lady Graphics
Bill's Disney Graphics